About us

  • IKS Group of Companies Ltd. (IKS) – is an engineering and consulting company established in Uzbekistan. Presently IKS is active in infrastructure engineering and transport systems, regional and urban development, water and environment, energy, oil, gas and chemical industries, logistics and high-tech equipment and machinery promotion and sales
  • IKS aims to become the leading regional engineering and consulting company through economical, dynamic and controlled expansion
  • IKS employs 75 specialists of different nationalities within head offices located in London (UK), Tashkent (Uzbekistan) and Almaty (Kazakhstan) and liaison offices in Ashgabad (Turkmenistan) and Baku (Azerbaijan).
  • IKS is an ISO certified company and holds the national permissions and licences for providing services in the countries of operation
  • IKS implemented more than 100 different scale projects in post-Soviet countries including Central Asia
  • IKS has an extensive international and domestic experience in the implementation of projects involving the full range of engineering and cross-sectoral skills required to carry out activities in the areas of project preparation and feasibility studies, design, construction management, operations and rehabilitation, and management of infrastructure systems
  • IKS is involved and actually participating in preparation and implementation of numerous infrastructure development projects with total investment value over US$ 2.2 billion
  • IKS is providing expert multi-disciplinary services including planning, design, documentation, contract administration, financial management, construction supervision and quality control
  • Providing full range of multidisciplinary consulting services for international development agencies, governments, non-government institutions and businesses
  • The company with its multidisciplinary engineering and project management capability is providing consultancy in the areas of transportation and communications, water supply and sanitation, agriculture and rural development, energy, social sector reforms, poverty reduction, environmental management, capacity building and human resource management, resource mobilization, public-private partnerships, and state fiscal reforms.
  • IKS Consulting’s project management approach contributes to overall project success through integrated, modern and flexible methods, to deliver results in the timeliest, efficient and cost effective manner.
Major clients include international financial institutions:

Asian Development bank, World Bank, Islamic Development bank, Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, European Commission, United Nations Agencies, OPEC Fund and others. The bilateral establishments are: Japan International Cooperation Agency, United States Agency for International Development, German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), KfW, US Trade and Development Agency.

We are confident that our growing comprehensive portfolio of high-quality services will allow us to continue gaining market share both domestically and internationally.